Projectile Warehouse

From May 2024, Projectile Warehouse will be merging with Scoped Out. While the have been sister businesses since 2018 we have seen significant benefits for our customers with these stores sharing a single website. 1 account gives you access to all the products, that can be shipped together in a single transaction, allowing combining freight, and putting everything in one place. 

How to Log In

If you already a Projectile Warehouse account, but not yet a Scoped Out one, you will just need to setup a password to access your  account here. Your order history will be already moved across, but we are unable to bring across your wishlist. 


This will also allow us to do significant upgrades and add exciting features to the website to make your experience on Scoped Out even better. The first of which is our ability once again to ship to WA with freight caluclations all done online. While the WA restrictions on projectiles and brass do make things diffcult, we at least have options now avilable once again for our WA customers. 

We are excited for the developments over 2024 that we hope makes your experience even better and helps get you out shooting more often!